lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

A place I would like to visit

 E    S    P    A    Ñ    A       

I would like to visit España (I write in Spanish because is the language here is it). In fact, there are  many places where I want to go, (España is maybe not the first option concerning my interests) but exist a reason in particular because I wanna visit España: My grandmother, a person very important to me, she was born in Cataluña. 

       Since I was a little girl my grandma Angel tell me histories of her town, Mataró ( a little township on the cost of Barcelona) . I don't really know to much about this place, only the things which my grandma told me.. the cinema, the war and stuffs ... I remember some places where she used visit when she was a girl and I would like visit them. 
      Especially in Cataluña, I would like to visit the places where my grandma crew. So, my grandma is died now, but for her I could obtain the Spaniard nationality, then I have a serial of benefits. I would like keep studying in España, in some cinema school, maybe get a diploma or a master or something. Well, obviously other of my interests is walk and know the country, especially  the city of Barcelona. I have heard  this place is so  liberal and there are many parties and young people... I don't like the parties so much, but met peoples likes me and know the culture too. 

1 comentario:

  1. I went to Spain when I was little, it's a beautiful country to visit :)
