lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Let's talk about money

When you are young, the money isn't very important in your life.. or at least should be so. I think when you have kids or somebody that depends of you, the money is something that you must have present. The truth is I don't hate the money, but in any case I'm in love with this.

The money in my life is important for buy things like cigarettes, wine, load the card of Transantiago, some food and other stuffs of the everyday. Beyond these basic needs, I don't use a lot of money to live. ( Well, is very important the fact that my mother kept me, and I don't have a work). So, I never been a person concerned about the clothing brand, I don't even have a lot of clothes. I haven't exquisite culinary tastes neither, because my infancy was so pretty and modest, and although I never lacked anything my family is humble.
My non-affection with the money is something that I really like of myself. My future, my happiness  and my personal success doesn't depends to the money that I will earn. I think this ways of thinking is for stupid people, or boring and stingy people who can't take the life with the important and simple things. Well, the system is the guilty I think, and they just follow the stream.

If I were millionaire I'm not sure what I would do with my money, but I honestly would try to do something useful for society, something that made me feel less greedy. My teacher  JP Arancibia taught me a thing:
"A righteous man can't accumulate wealth" ...

...and one of my purpose in the life is to become in a wise and righteous woman :)

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

How Green are You?

The most things that I know about the environmentally and the recycle is for my mother. Honestly, in the school they never taught me about this topics. When I was there, they never taught me anything about the importance of the recycling. There wasn't even dumpsters which separating the garbage by the origin. Even Though, my mom is very conscious with the planet, and she separate the garbage and when it's accumulated we go to the supermarket and we deposit in the landfills by the material.

I don't have a car, but it's not important to me. I think I have all my life to move in a motor vehicle, especially when I'm older and probably I will not have wishes to use the public locomotion (because it's very poor quality in mi opinion). Today I use my bike when I must travel near of my house, but I live too far to the center of Santiago, so I can't use this transport always (actually, I'm not a sports person). I love walking when I can do it, so I use my legs as long as I have the opportunity.

I support eco-organization, but I haven't been in any group or something :( I thing my social action is in other activities and I prefer do environmentally practices lonely, in my house. I try to use less water and light, buy biodegradable products and throw the trash where it belongs.

I really think one way to help the environment is to start with yourself. If the people had any love for their places and for the city (especially in Santiago) all might be a little easier. According to me, the main cause of this big problem is that people are too selfish and insensitive to their own environment and they do not even care about future generations.

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

A piece of News

The last news I heard and got me thinking, was a story about how red wine could reduce the chances of lung cancer and even kills malignant cells.

The scientists responsible for the research came from Brock University and McMaster University in Ontario. They said in a study published in the journal "Cancer Cell International"  that the investigation conducted "in vitro" using cancer cells and even epidemiological studies indicate that red wine has anti-cancer properties. According to the study, this ability is attributed to red wine for being a rich source of resveratrol.
This news surprised me and I liked so much because I drink a lot of red wine, it's my favorite drink. Moreover, I smoke too much, then this article could benefit me. Many people believe that the study may be wrong, and the truth is that the news surprised me because it gave me a little hope in my life. Obviously I don't think drinking wine as stupid can save a lung cancer, but the news brought me happiness and I see a funny side.

On the other hand, looking at the serious side of this news, this is a discovery that may help many people who suffer from this disease, since lung cancer is a major cause of death worldwide.

I think most of the news I read talks about tips on how to improve our lifestyle. I also like the news that raise critical issues or report a problem or injustice.


Here the link!. RED WINE RULES!