lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

English Language Challenges

I think the best of this class was this class is different from the others. When you study a career usually learning about a specific things, in my case about the cinema and communication, and take a course of English makes you use your mind in something different. Write in the blog is so useful for improve your grammar, because talk and write in English it's different. For example, for me is easier talk in English. Somehow I cope for put the words together and build a prayer, but when you write I thing you need more knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, so is more difficult.

The best way to learn English, in my opinion, is practicing and listening constantly the language. One of my favorites methods for learn is watch movies and series in English.  In fact, I think the principal tool which I learned the idiom all this years have been for the music and movies. The lyric of the songs stays in your heads and is so simple remind sentences and use them in a conversation. For the other side, when you watch movies you can learn jargon of the language and you'll have a better vocabulary and expressions.

I have a certain benefit because my mom is a English teacher, but the truth is that she hates the language so  is not much that I can practice with she. (she studied French, and a reform education forced she to study, u understand that. Also, she hates EE.UU and this languaje reminds that country)  So, I think my opportunity for practice my English is travel to places where this is spoken.

That would be very nice :). Thanks miss, xoxo.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

2014 Have you had a good year?

I like to think that this year is always better than the last one. This year in particular was so well and entertaining. I changed many thing about me: I grew up a little in emotionally and mentally aspects. I learned a lot of things and I discovered aspects of myself that I never knew existed.

One of the good things that have happened in my life was I finished a relationship very sick and bornout.  The last two years I have been very sad and hysterical, and this year I discovered that this relationship was the cause of many of my personal problems. So, this events was important to me because my sanity is essential for living better and I'm so happy to be out of that crap.

The bad things for me maybe doesn't so bad actually. For example, one of the bad things of this year was I reaffirmed that Santiago and its stress isn't for me.(It's a bad thing because that baffles my plans)
 I like the urban life: the lights, the movement, the partys and bla-bla , but  I don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice my  frame of mind for the stay here. This city is so competitive and rude, and I don't like this aspects and I don't wanna these in my life for any reason. (*rude in the bad sense. Since people here is aggressive with their peers and not with the things that really should be reactionary).

My final achievement for this year I hope to be edit the teaser of the final work of this semester, a project called "Femmes" developed with my classmates in which we have worked so hard.  :)