lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

My Future Job

I would like to specialize in script writing. For that, I feel like going to another country to study ... not necessarily, but to meet new people and stories. 
I really would like work as screenwriter or editor. The creation of histories and characters is my favorite area and I like the solitary jobs. Im very comfortable with myself and I think I work better in this way.  I concentrate much more (my concentration is better when I'm working alone) 

The aspects that I would consider for choose a job would be this one should leave me free time.  I like to do many things in the life, and this time is essential for me because I don't feel the work is the most important. Other aspect important to me is the job isn't too far of my home, because I hate losing time in the travel. I really hate that.  

If I would go to a job interview and they ask me for my strengths and weaknesses I would say:

- I'm a very responsible person. in many occasions my personality talks about a vague person, but the truth is I try to love the things what I do, for this reason is difficult for me make a poorly work.  
-  On the other hand, this characteristic becomes me in a person very passionate, and occasionally I only consider my own point of view, thinking in the best option. However, I also know listen to my coworkers, so just they could say to me and I understand. 

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

My Best Friend

Is really harder talk about a best friend, because we meet a lot of people in the way and I personally have a friend list with the persons who have been in my days and I consider they are true friends :). Even so, I have a favorite friend, a girl who went deep inside my life and with whom always been in contact.

I met Barbara "Barby" in eighth grad. I actually remember the first time when I saw her. Was the first days of school and the teacher said we were sat in circle. I was sitting in front of her and she was sitting with open legs though she was wearing a skirt. I loved the attitude of this girl, and in the break I approached to her and spoke.

The years have passed and I see her every weekend. She is very good for parties and she is very drunk, like me, so we have many histories. This isn't the best, but one of my favorite memory of our friendship was when we went to the party of our friend Paty and when we got the home, all was quiet. We didn't know what is happening, then we knocked on the door and the dad of our friend said  she wasn't there, and the party will be the next Saturday. With Barbara felt very losers and stupids and we returned to the car and we laugh for a long time of this.

This is a old picture. We were in my 18 birthday and we were fighting. Maybe for what.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

The Best Concert I've had

I've had to many concert in my life. I like music a lot, and I think the concerts are very good hobby, because you can go with your friends, and enjoy the music which you like on live.

I'm not sure which was my best concert until now, but one of bests definitely was "Los Muertos de Cristo", in 2007. Los muertos de Cristo is a Spanish punk rock band, and today they are dissolved. Their concert in Chile was when I was fiveteen years and I was beginning to get out alone in the city. I was a little punky girl and they were my principal influence. It was held at Victor Jara Stadium and I went with my best friend in that moment, Nicole and my favorite cousin Constanza. Before to enter, many people without concert ticket did what is know as "Avalancha" and everybody could enter!.That was amazing.
 Inside the stadium, I sang and shouted for two hours. I knew all their songs, and I felt specially excited. Honestly, in a moment of the event, they played "Un Mundo Feliz" (my favorite song of this band) and I sang and cried like a baby... This song remember me a lot of things that I can't never forget of the life and it is very significant to me.

This is the cover of my favorite disk of them :)

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

My Favorite movie

When you study cinema, is very difficult talk about a favorite movie in special. I have a long list with the movies that touched my heart and moved me… Maybe, this movie is not the best work in the history of cinema, not even the best work of the director, but it has been for my molding. With the sentimentality and everything, I think that my favorite movie is Before sunrise.

The movie starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. The history begins when Jesse, a young american man, meet Céline, a young french woman on a train to Vienna. They disembark in this city and decide travel together for a day, until de next sunrise, when Jesse must return to his country. The plot of this movie is simple: not much really happens, the character walking and talking on the streets of Vienna.  They Share their points of view in the live, the ideas and perspectives and finally, both falls in love of them.

The first time I saw this movie, I was fifteen years old. I didn't really liked the histories of love, because the most movies that I'd ever seen, spoke about the topic in a different tone.  This movie changed my mind about the romantic stories. The dialogues of the film are good, in special in the scene of the picture. In occasions are very extended, but in any moment I felt bored.  With the time, probably this movie will not be one of my favorites films. New formats, directors and, the most important, new histories will enter into my life, maybe in a best cinematographic version, but this movie... makes me feel really fine. Is the first movie that I knew of this director, who I like very much and every and everytime that I watch "Before Sunrise" it  transported me across the time when I saw my first movies.  I'll not change anything in the movie.